Our Story

We are a literature-based creative writing program serving migrant, incarcerated, recovery, and other at-need communities in Washington through literacy and personal transformation.

Our first creative writing workshop was on July 8, 2015 with four students in Skagit County Juvenile Detention. We currently have five sites, including our newest weekly workshop site with incarcerated adults at the Skagit County Community Justice Center.

Our mission: Unlocking creativity through writing workshops and voice amplification for at-need and underrepresented students, to assist in the restoration of communities, the imagination, and individual lives.

We focus on making an impact inside our local community, and inspiring outside it.

We believe creative writing is an art form and a tool for life.

We offer creative writing workshops, writing mentorships, publication opportunities, and unique collaborations.

We facilitate generative readings of literature spanning the tradition—from ancient texts to those written in our workshops.

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Mount Vernon is located on the ancestral lands of the Skagit Tribe and Coast Salish Peoples.  We acknowledge our indebtedness to them, for without them we would not be able to facilitate writing workshops and amplify student voices in the ways we do.  We are deeply grateful to both the Skagit Tribe and Coast Salish Peoples.

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photo credit (home page): Trevin Rudy

We are an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit arts organization. Our EIN# is 83-2570377.

We are gratefully funded in part by the following

NEA - Logo.jpg
CLMP - Logo.png
Academy of American Poets - Logo.jpg
NBF - 7.png

Underground Writing ©2015-2025