Filtering by Tag: Migrant Leaders Club

A Good Remedy

We’re still here. Matt and Alvin read excerpts from DEAR AMERICA, the newest collection of student writing, packaged as our latest chapbook. They check in on the state of… everything, having made it into the new year. Matt gives updates on writing workshops and amplifying voices.


Dear America chapbook

The Change - Book Pipeline

Marilyn Montufar

Claudia Castro Luna

Letters to a Young Inmate

Underground Writing: a literature-based creative writing program serving migrant, incarcerated, recovery, and other at-risk communities in northern Washington through literacy and personal transformation.


Our Story

Matt and Alvin meet with Migrant Leaders Club students to discuss the piece OUR STORY from the collaborative anthology WHEN THE DUST RISES.


When the Dust Rises
Mount Vernon Migrant Leaders Club
Dia de los Muertos / Day of the Dead

Underground Writing: a literature-based creative writing program serving migrant, incarcerated, recovery, and other at-risk communities in northern Washington through literacy and personal transformation.


Underground Writing ©2015-2024